Monday, August 13, 2012

This is most excellent. 

Degrees of Change (<- Link)

Brought to you by theRoyal Canadian Geographic Society

love ourplanet

I really do. 

I was reading last night about an article by a doctor Louv.. about Nature Deficit Disorder.

No it's not a recognized medical diagnosis. But he was talking about it being a more and more prevalent issue.  

I thought it was interesting..  the whole 'kids today..'  thing. 

How due to 'risk aversion', lack of out door space and ready access to media and entertainmentstimuli inside ... kids just aren't getting outsideany more. 

I have to say the Idle Parent group in the UK really speaks to me.. from where I come from.. where I am... and where I am headed in the future.. it.

I believe it... one look at your neighbourhood's policy of 'indoor vs outdoor' recess. 

[dodo bird ]→

Indoor RECESS?!?  can you believe it??.. because of insurance coverage and it's restrictions, children's lack of outer wear, allergies, colds and flu or simpleZERO supervision. 

There are schools in Western Europe that actually have 'total out door' classes.. or Forest School. They learn biology, drama, survival skills, math, reading, imagination, writing, history, science and geography all out side - rain or shine. This is incredible to me.. I ♥ it.  I wish I could turn back time and sign me up.


← [Ringtailed Possum]

In the end all things considered, we have to wonder if we're de-evolving/evolving**  our species/off-spring to simply prepare for atotal nature meltdown

After all, change is inevitable.

Sometimes the passing of an age is sad.  If we're willing to continue to eat fabricated foods, forego free range anything, then I say power to the people! 

Good bye sweet blue planet! 

HELLO allotted overcrowded living arrangements downtown!

GOOD BYE carrots!

Hello... tiny biege pill labelled carotene! 




HELLO filtered urine supply! 


Continue ad nauseam...

All very interesting.. veryScience Fiction.. and very much on ourdoorstep today. Take your pick.. grab a solar panel .. a windmill.. 

...or burrow underground with soy products and polyester.  

One way or another we will adapt or die...

 it's as simple as that.

**evolve vs. devolve: I think it all depends if you embrace the change or fight it. You define yourself.

Me? I'm taking the information from the Canadian Geographic and buy shares in unclaimed arctic islands along the Northwest passage.. (pickle lake) and open a coffee shop.


  1. Nice! The links came over well, too!

  2. Do you know you have those "prove you are not a robot/difficult to read word thingies" active?
