Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Snog: The following blog is a true story.

Déjà vu

Definition of DÉJÀ VU
a : the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time
b : a feeling that one has seen or heard something before
: something overly or unpleasantly familiar

So last night I was snogging Sean Bean ...oh yes he made my toes curl (ten out of ten).  

Somewhere around second base, as he was stealing third, I stopped him (damn me) and said "Holy Toledo! Serious case of Déjà vu Sean!"

Then he said in his sexy thick Yorkshire accent "you know what would be really weird? If you really did dream this and the other conscience is the reality." 

Then I woke up.  

True story.


  1. Mr. Bean of the Sean variety is in my family tree...dammit.

  2. ... you were always my favourite flamingo.

  3. I know I'm so disappointed in myself.

    And my mind was blown.. what if Sean was right? What if that was the reality and I'm the alternate dream consciousness.. then I felt really bad for my dream self.. I mean here she has 'face time' with the likes of Sean Bean and dreams this?... she must hate going to sleep..

  4. It I'm dreaming right now. Damn. I have boring dreams! LOL

    Dreams are weird.

  5. I had the weirdest dream the other night... nothing profound as this, but weird.

  6. There is nothing like a good sex dream. Well, nothing except actual sex. Nope. Imma go back to my original thought. Sex dreams rock.

  7. I loathe waking up from those kinda dreams.
