Monday, November 5, 2012

The Power of a Name

[Insert title here]

We all have a million titles we might be Ms., Miss., Mrs., Mr., Dr., Rev., Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, Neighbour, Collegue, Supervisor, Minion, Client, Master of the Universe. We're all different people under each of these different hats. I know I certainly talk to my supervisor differently than I do my sister, I would never say things to my mother that I would say to most other human beings. 

We reflect differently when we are around different people. It's just a by product of being social creatures. 

Call me what you will but...

Does the role we play reflect who we are? I think it does to some degree absolutely. Should we be restricted by that role when it comes to interacting or striving forward to other roles? No. Absolutely not. 

Birth Names, Nick Names & Sonograms

Maternity wards are full of exhausted women and stressed out men smiling happily down on a bundle of wrinkly, bald baby.

Some of those babies had their names chosen long before they were born, some were applied the minute the parents spotted their shadowing profiles in a sonogram, others might goes days after their birth before 'just the right' name was selected.

Names are so important.

In a lot of cultures around the world a name is more than just a label to call something.

In the Catholic church when a child is confirmed they have to select a name for themselves. This is a heavy load for a kid just before he/she steps into puberty. (what is it 10? 11?)  Some put a lot of thought into it, others choose odd names.

In some Eastern cultures a person has a 'child' name and takes an adult name as adolescents.

Some people are lucky and have a name that dissembles as the situation allows. A Robert might be Robert at the office, Bob amongst his friends, Bobby with his family or Bobert with some inane airhead on the bus.  An Elisabeth can be Elisabeth, Elsa, Beth, Betty, Betts, Liz, Lizzy, or well.. I think there might be a million various of that one.

The name my mother gave me at birth is not as adaptable. People who know me often give me different names. I am frequently told it doesn't suit me. I agree. I've never liked it nor have I ever felt it fit. But it is alas how I am known at work.

That said  I can honestly say no one I know in my personal life calls me that.

My father called me Robin due to my A.A. Milne addiction... or when he was feeling particularly endearing I was Pooh. Or Bear. I don't remember him ever using my real name.... oh unless he was mad at me... but no even than it was overshadowed by a wide variety of curse words. lol


Folk tales are full of stories that tell us a name holds power. That if you know someone's true name you have power over them. It's true. Think about being in a crowded auditorium. You're surrounded by buzz and noise.. but if someone says your name your ears can pick it out immediately.

My birth name is not Miskinak. Miskinak is a Cree word for Turtle. Mikisew Awasis gave me that name ages ago. And I have been answering to one form of it or another for the past five years.

I may one day change it legally.

There's a problem with your Google+ profile

Our system has determined that the name you provided on your Google+ profile Miskinak Periwinkle may not actually be a name.
It may be that the name you provided is that of a business you represent. Or it may be that this is actually your name and our system has made a mistake.We've got a few options for you:
  • If this is the name of a business, brand or other organisation, please change this profile’s name (by clicking edit profile below) to a representative of the organisation. You can then use this profile to create a Google+ Page for the organisation. Pages are designed specifically with the needs of organisations in mind, while profiles are designed for individuals.
  • If this is your name, please click [Edit your profile] below and follow the instructions to submit more information and help us fix our mistake.
  • If you want to change the name provided, please change this profile’s name by clicking [Edit your profile] below. You can also optionally add Miskinak Periwinkle as a nickname, previous name or transliterated name in addition to your common name, if appropriate. Learn more
  • If none of the above options are appropriate and you use your Google+ identity on YouTube, you can unlink your Google+ profile from YouTube. This will ensure that regular YouTube access will continue but your Google+ profile will be suspended until you take one of the actions above. If you manage a brand channel, we will soon have a better option for creating a Google-wide identity.
If you don't take one of these steps by 22 October 2012, your Google+ profile will be suspended. While suspended, you will not be able to make full use of Google services that require an active profile, such as Google+, Reader, Picasa and YouTube (if you use your Google+ identity on YouTube). This will not prevent you from using other Google services like Gmail.
We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you

I won't use my professional name in this G+ account because I like talking about ALL kinds of STUFF and the nature of my job is public related. I don't think it's fair to have my opinions and observations reflect on my place of employment. 

If you ask me my name I'll happily tell you in a private post... it's not a deep dark secret. It's just one shear layer that helps people take one step away from connecting me directly to my place of employment. It allows me to be honest in my discussions without having to worry about how it reflects on the institute I work for. 

Fortunately after Google sent me the above message they have accepted that Miskinak D is sufficient for their needs. I appreciate that, thank you Google!

Me circa 2011

[Edit: I re-read this and feel the need to make it clear that my professional name is not a stripper's name... cause I am not a stripper. I work at a university in Canada and am in charge of web content, recruitment  admissions and a graduate program delivered on line.]


  1. *falls over laughing at stripper name clarification*

    Mikisew Awasis is my name. It's not the one on my birth certificate, but it was given to me in a sweatlodge and I prefer it here. It reminds me to keep honest and real -- and lets me have a modicum of privacy that I wouldn't otherwise have as a teacher.

  2. Bang on.

    I know I've thanked you before for Miskinak and though I didn't receive it in a sweatlodge it still means a lot.

    I like it because it's unique enough to be recognizable but simple enough to remember and it's not just an arbitrary name.. it's a word that has meaning to me and who I am. So, thank you again.

  3. Hm...Maybe I'll have to legally change my name to Wicked... :-) Yeah, I know I posted as me for a while, I was nervous that somehow my work life and this life would somehow find out about each other. It's like having a spouse and a lover...

  4. It's worse... it's like having a spouse and a lover and having the hotel management threaten to tell.

  5. You're more than welcome, Robin. Who knows (to this day!) if we spelt it correctly or not -- we just sounded it out, lol. There's about a kazillion spellings to every Cree word, depending on where you hear it (dialects vary).

    I posted as my birth certificate name for a while. I much prefer this.

  6. No one ever gets my birth name correct - and no one ever spells it correctly ... *shrugs* ... When my dad is insistent on getting my attention, he doesn't use my full name, but calls me Caro.

    My confirmation name is Michael. LOL - I chose it because my dad told me that there wasn't a Catholic rule that said I had to have a female patron saint ... so I decided to through several hundred years of tradition out the window.

    I don't necessarily believe in the power in a name ... language was created as a tool to describe our world and to warn our ancestors of Saber Tooth Tigers and the like ... words only have the power that we ascribe to them ... *shrugs* ...

  7. No one spells my family name correctly unless they're trekkies or eating contest fans, plus it's long, so I shorten it to Kobi for practical purposes. I do have separate G+ and Facebook pages under my full name, but they are mainly so that I have a presence for my consulting work -- can't use nicknames for that!

  8. So, when are we going to get another turtle-blog?

  9. Maybe soon. It's become a catch 22.. when I have something to post its usually because I'm too busy with it to post.
