Last week was Friday 13th... it should have been stition day... so I'm going to steal it and turn back some time..
Some SUPER stitions... you may not know..
Stition #1:
There are places that still hold to the tradition of washing a new born baby's head with RUM for good luck.
I think this should still be practised... and expanded to birthday celebrations. I would like to wash my head in RUM...
Stition #2:
A russian tradition for travellers... you should always sit on your luggagebefore travelling anywhere.
The reason is that you need to take a moment and think about anything you might have forgotten BECAUSE [insert stition #2a] because it's bad luck to return for somethingforgotten.
Stition #3:
This one may seem a little nutty to you but the ancient Druids found the mighty oak tree sacred the ACORN
was it's symbol.. of
luck, prosperity,fertility and when placed on windowsills of your house ward your home against lightening strikes.
So next time you see an acornpick it up and all day you will have good luck.. and maybe avoid getting hit by a 100,000 bolts of electricity!... may the force be with you.
Stition #4
Mirror Mirror... you all know this one.. break it and you have
seven years bad LUCK...
Hang on this will make sense in a minute.. the mirror is said to reflect the soul of the viewer. If you break the mirror your soul can't come back and reunite with your body. Which is why vampires don't have a reflection - no soul. See?
Now we all have klutzy moments soulful or not - did you KNOW how to undo the curse?? You simply take the shards of the broken mirror and bury them under afull moon..but don't cut yourself..
Stition #5
Magpies... harmless enough yes?.. WRONG!..
One for Sorrow
Two for Joy
Three for a Wedding
Four for a Boy
Five for a Fiddler
Six for a Dance
Seven for England
and Eight for France
... or as we used to say it. ... Seven is a kiss and eights in yer pants...
Magpies usually travel in Charms [flocks, titterings or groups] so if you see a Magpie alone it spells out DOOM! DOOM! DOOM!... and you
should pinch the one you're with.
Stition #6
You can leave your hat on....
..................'cause tossing it all willy nilly like that on the bed isSERIOUS bad luck.
Stition #7
Got a match?.. maybe for you..and you... but not for you...
...it's bad luck to light THREE cigarettes with one match..
Stition #8
Did you know it's unlucky to keep the dog at your side while playing cards?
Playing cards with a dog in the room will cause disputes...
Stition #9
That itchy hand thing... you know the one..
If your right palm itches MONEY is coming your way... BUT DON'T scratch!...it will stop the money from coming.. you have been warned.
On the other hand if your left palm itchesMONEY will be leaving you soon... the more youscratch the less will leave! so go ahead and SCRATCH TILL IT HURTS!
Stition #10
Wood.. knock on it. Knock on it now.. knock on it for all your worth.. always knock on wood when speaking of luck ...
it keeps the bad luck at bay and brings near the good.
Oh yeah... AND it's
Hot Guy Friday..
lol, the 3 on a match is accurate. It's a World WAr I thing: leave the match lit long enough to light three cigarettes and you've left it lit long enough for a german sniper to get you. Seriously.