Monday, August 13, 2012


A post of some of my favourite things... 

Turtles... (you didn't see that one coming did you?)


... they have more character than butterflies I think...

Quilts... but old worn ones... the kind that hug..

The sound of creaking leather....
The look of worn boots...The feel of weathered wood...The smell of a barn...  the only exception to this being a pig barn...

Heavy snowfall... we have that right now... outside it's fresh and clean... it looks like packing snow...

Letters from friends... better than a phone call... a good letter really makes me go... aww...

Hugs... & Kisses... of any kind..

Impractical shoes with a 3 inch heel... yeah... they're not comfortable... but I still love wearing 'em...

Turtleneck sweaters..

Old wood furniture... beaten and tired looking... feels home-ish...

Flaws... in anything... something that's just not quite picture perfect... I'm that person who always picks the runt of the litter... or the three legged chair... or the chipped mug... it's odd.. but there you go...

Home made soups... I love 'em... so much I'll even over-look the odd onion for it...
Dark Chocolate... I'm not a white chocolate fan... or milk chocolate... but give me a bite of rich dark chocolate and strong black coffee... and I'll be your friend for life..

Shades of Purple... make me happy...

Baskets... I really like interesting baskets... I have too many though... I really do...

A good book.... I know who doesn't?... but I love the feel of an old one... the smell of a new one... and that first *crack*.. you get when you open a brand new hardcover... I love beat up old paperbacks... and I LOVE cover art... Sometimes I'll pick a book... knowing the story's crap JUST for the cover art... and even when it's confirmed that the story's crap... I still love the book..

I like standing in the rain on a warm summer night... sometimes walking sometimes dancing... but just standing there and letting it soak me to the skin... love the rain...

The guitar.
.. acoustic... electric... don't care... don't play it... but love the sound.. and admire anyone who can just pick one up and go...

Flannel... I sleep in flannel pj bottoms year round... in the summer those old ones that are worn so thin ... and in the winter the thick soft new ones... Some days when I've had a particularly shitty day at work... the first thing I do is climb into my pj's when I get home.. I have no qualms about wearing them to pick up the mail... or even make a run to the nearest store for milk... Flannel pajama bottoms are the comfort zone for me.. but I can't stand the pajama shirts that come with them... you know the ones... I mean...

A Dog's nose.... big ones little ones... don't care... I love the look of a dog's nose... and when it's laying across your lap... all full of sighs and trust... there's not too much better than that...

Except maybe baby's toes...

The sound of friends singing... off key and otherwise... just singing a song... and full of smiles and happy...

Slow dancing... with tall men...  They don't have to be taller ... just please not shorter...

Men in ties...

Men in uniforms...

Men in leather... or denim... or cotton... flannel... silk... alright... yes... men in general...

Two story houses... with peaked roofs...

Trees... all kinds birch... weeping willows.. but my favourite is the red maple...

Cantaloupe is my favourite melon... 

Dancing to a GREAT song with a great group... no one caring who or what they really look like... just moving... in time or otherwise.. 

Raspberries are my favourite fruit... does anything go better with chocolate? I think not...

Spinach and Broccoli and Asparagus... I'll pass on the cauliflower...

Beat up old travel trunks... 

Oatmeal... with honey... I could (and have)... eat that and only that for days..

Honey... I prefer it to sugar... in most cases...

Brown bread... of any kind.... with the exception of egg salad sandwiches.. they have to be on white...

I like my toast lightly toasted... only just barely golden... anything else is burnt in my view..

Potatoes... yum... in any form... except raw...

A good pair of jeans that fit just right...

Brick chimneys...

Wood stoves... fire pits... and a bubble of time to sit and enjoy it... and the smell of your clothes afterwards... love that...

Hot Baths...

Pedicures....real ones... having someone else pamper my feet is great...

Wildflowers... assorted.... I'm not a fan of the manicured flowerbeds cut and trimmed to stepford perfection... I love dandelions and wildness... brambles and overgrowth in my garden...

The smell of fresh cut grass.....

Shoulders on men.... broad ones... and that muscle indentation right above the triceps and deltoids... Mmmm... and a nice back.... that moves down and over..erhm... yes... okay... tip to toe... I like the male form... in most any shape and size...

I prefer silver to gold...

I like canvas tents....

I love old movies.... good ones and bad ones... black and white are the best...

I love action movies...
Monty Python...Murder She Wrote..... I wanna BE Jessica Fletcher when I grow up...

I like music.... of any folk... but I'm a old rock fan.... 70's - 80's.... but please no pop... hip pop ... or rap schlop...

I like to do the dishes.... I do... by hand...

I like to draw... and paint.... and sketch... and write... and sew.... I don't do enough of it... but I love it...

I love play doh...

Crayola crayons are the only crayon there is in my opinion...

I like sharp pencils...

I like the look and feel of a brand new sheet of paper.... it overwhelms me sometimes....too many possibilities...

I like the look of handwriting... I miss it... we don't see enough of it anymore...

The Tick of an Old Mantel Clock... not the really ornate kind or even a grandfather clock... just a really old mantel clock... love 'em..

And Tea towels.. ahh...a bright cheerful tea towel in perfect rectangular perfection... yes yes... it can change the entire mood of a kitchen... happy stripes of blues.. and yellows... and bright reds... 

I like bloggin with a mindless train of happy thought.... 


  1. This was one post I like coming back to.. it makes me smile

  2. This post makes me smile ... and I think I needed that ... this also calmed me down - lol ... it just might be better than Xanax - lol

  3. Then I'm double glad I brought it over. :)
