Monday, September 17, 2012

It's been awhile crocodile...

It's been a month and a half since I've committed myself to G+.

I like it. I really do.

I honestly don't miss multiply as much as I thought I would. I do miss the multopians who have decided G+ isn't for them. It's too bad.

What do I like about it?

I like that it's not as insulated as Multiply was.

I like that people can follow me, or I can follow people and there doesn't have to be a connection there. I can simply tag along with their posts as my curiosity leads me. Connections can be made or not made.. the way it's set up here it's very low drama (hurrah!)

The bulk of what I post will be Public. I understand if that restrains you from commenting. That's okay.

I like that I can explore in G+ and see items of interest without feeling like a creeper.

I'm still figuring out circles though. (it's the sharing of circles that confuses me. If I get added to a shared circle does that double the content I'm exposed to? Do I get notifications for each of those in that circle? I think just if they post to that circle specifically right? Not if they post as a public post?) I may tag some of you to experiment with this if I have time to play around a bit some time soon.

I like 1+ 's... seriously.. I love that little thrill I get when my notifications tell me I just got 12+ for a comment.. it's almost like that thrill I used to get in Y!Answers..  lol  I'm sure I'll settle down and stop seeking adulation soon... maybe.

IN the meantime.

Did you know that California Legislature just passed a bill for driverless automobiles to be regulated and operated in the state? It's true.  They're saying that it drives better than we do. So what does that say about 'us' as drivers?   (well.. not me.. I'm an amazing driver)

It reminds me of that short story we had to read in high school about the gas station attendants who were talking about what they thought was an urban legend, this ghost car that drove and drove and drove... only stopping for gas.. and then it pulled up at their station and when he cleaned the wind shield he saw these skeletons inside the car.  Damnit I can't remember the name of that story but it really stuck with me and I remember it blowing my mind when I was 12 or something.  

And now here it is!

... I've given up hope on the hover crafts tho'.

And in other news...

There is a company in Newfoundland that converts aluminium pop cans into solar heating panels. Check it out:

It's a terrible thing, but this is all I really have to contribute this week. I'm sorry. Life got busy on me here. It'll slow down again soon I'm sure.  Until then my dumplings.. I've got you circled.


  1. Enough about you, let's talk about me. Why is my blog not on your blog list? I suppose it might be because mine is private, but still . . . .

  2. Agreed on all counts.

    +1. lol

    I'm supposed to be cleaning the kitchen. I'm here instead.

  3. I'm still scrambling to see that everyone shows up on my dashboard! ...

    I'm mentally +1ing you Sandra

  4. Woot, I think I managed a work around.. you should now appear on my list.. :D

  5. Driverless autos don't text/apply make-up/shave/pluck their nose hair and or eyebrows/read/clip their toenails/flirt w-other drivers/load their guns/clean their glasses/change their clothes or eat while driving. This could make a difference.

    And I really think those solar panels are awesome.

    1. hee hee.. 'load their guns'..

      I like the panels too.. it's almost a DIY project

  6. I am planning on making one of those for my chicken coop :)

  7. ...the solar panel, not the driver-less vehicle.

    I like giving out +1s. I do. It's like a wee little, "Ya-ha, yep, well said" without having to type, "Ya-ha, yep, well said."

    My question to you is this: Have you tried Chee-cha Puffs? I thought they were going to be gross, but they're really not that bad at all! Canadian company, too.

    1. Chee-cha puffs.. no, I can't say as I have. But that is a +1 recommendation so I will now watch for them and get back to you on that. :D

      YES! (on the solar panels) I think you should post a step by step blog on it too, I want to try it - but you first. he hee he

  8. I got a bit distracted by some of the particularly interesting google ads.

  9. Oh yay... don't hesitate to follow them.. I think I get paid if you do! :D

    but don't forget to come back if you do!

    1. sssshhhhh, you're not allowed to encourage clicking ads. The google spies will hunt you down and disable you.

    2. I'm intrigued by the fact that you somehow set things up to feed ads in Spanish or Portuguese or whatever. I may have to experiment with that myself.

    3. I'm not sure how I did that.

      And I didn't.. wait I did.. but not in my blog .. as a comment..that means it doesn't count right?

      I also am not allowed to click ads on my own page... (it skewers the counter) but I did once.. totally by accident .. I'm a terrible terrible google host.

  10. I was just about to say that I don't see any ads, but then there it was. Like a ghost peeking out.

    1. It was responding to your unconscious need for creepiness..

  11. Thanks for getting me on your bloglist. Now a little work is called for to enlarge the length of the sidebar.

  12. It's okay. Now I have to remember how to get yours on my list. I also printed out three pages of completely confusing instructions for adding adsense.
