We're at Thursday already and work has been crazy.
I can't believe August is almost over.
One more week and a day.
I'm still at work.. putting off making a phone call.
I hate phones.
I like old phones though...
Not like this →

← But like this.
Did you know that Motorola invented the first cell phone in 1973.
It was released for marketing in 1983.
How many of you still have a land line? How many would eliminate the land line and use only a cell phone? How many have already? How many only have a land line? How many don't own a cell phone?
For someone who hates phones... I have both.. *sigh*
I'd like to eliminate one.. if I did I'd get rid of the land line.. because with the cell phone I don't actually have to be ON THE PHONE with any one to get messages to them.
Not that kind! →
←This kind.
SMS lets me text people I'd rather not talk to.
It also let's me text dumb 'popped-in-my-head-don't-let-me-forget-to ask-you' questions while I'm waiting for the elevator... message sent. Received when they get it no rush. Response when they can no rush.
And best of all... it has limited character input when communicating with my mother.
Did you know the Daisy...
NOT that kind! →
←This kind.
...is a relative of the artichoke? The petals are edible and often added to salads.
That I did not know.
I have a landline and a cell. I'd get rid of the landline, but cell service is too irratic up here, still.
ReplyDeleteAnd I like daisies way more than artichokes. :)
ReplyDelete* hides all the phones *
ReplyDeleteDaisies are still my favourite flower ... but while I do like artichokes I've never (yet) eaten a Daisy. hmmm..
ReplyDeleteYou know what I like about that old bakelite rotary phone? the cord. Cordless phones are a pain in the wazoop. I can never find mine and the base will ring and ring (only twice) before my answering machine picks up.. If I had one phone in the house it would be that one up there. Then I can end a call quicker.. "the dog needs out" ..or "I have to do whatever" and click.. call ended. the cordless makes talking on the phone too convenient. blech.
I have a cell phone only. I eliminated my landline years ago. Nobody called me on it by then except random salespeople.
ReplyDeleteI love being able to talk but not really talk to people. Kinda like here... except this is more fun:)
I think I am close to this stage of phone evolution.
Deleteif I could have a cell phone like that old bakelit to travel with I'd disconnect the landline in an instant! *wonders how that would fit in my purse - and how texting would work on a rotary phone*
I have both. Few people actually have my landline number. I use it mostly for long distance calls ... I got it a year or so a go. Before that I just had my cell. But I have tendency to drain my cell phone battery or leave it a work and so the landline comes in handy for emergency calls. I text more then actually call people - especially with work much easier to get info to and from others.
ReplyDeleteI miss the rotary phones and I loved my see-through phone with the super long cable line that I could care from my bedroom to the living room and kitchen. When I was a teen I was a phone talker/hogger - lol
Now, I'd rather not get a call, because it usually is from work and means one of my kids is in crisis ... *sigh* ...
I think that's just it - you hit my phonephobia on the nose.. when I was a kid/teenager anytime the phone rang for me it was usually something good. Now as an adult - not so much. It's usually some additional responsibility I have to sign up for, take care of, do, or pay for.
Delete(I had a clear phone when I was young too!) there it is! http://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5133384/il_570xN.87828740.jpg
Except the cord on mine was BLUE.
I have a landline and a cell phone. I buy minutes for my cell phone. It's not used that much. The landline has unlimited long distance. I call my mom often. We're close.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I'd eat a daisy.
I am not close with my mother. I used to wish I was.. but that got too painful.
DeleteBefore SMS was integrated in most phone plans I did what you do and it worked excellently... I had it for emergency and only a handful had my phone number. (at the time I had a long commute in an old car on back roads and it really made me feel better working late knowing I could call for help if anything happened). *nods* I used to get hassled "Minutes are more expensive that way".... but duh - they're not if you don't use them! You're on the best plan for you.
One thing about land line vs cell phones. when you call 911 from a land line they can map out where you are easier and faster. When you call 911 from a cell phone you have to know where you are and even with GPS they sometimes take a bit to find you. Also like Caro and Miki mentioned the cell service zones, battery issue, and access can be a hazard if you have to call for ambulance or a tow truck. I think it will be some time before landlines are completely kaputski.
I am interested to hear how people who have moved solely to cell service feel..So Ramya, if you have any down sides to it let me know.
Also.... I think this is where you found the 'unable to edit a posted comment' we were talking about Sandra.
ReplyDeleteI just tried to go up there and find out how to insert a html link to make it workable and there's no way to edit what you've said.
Robin, I totally had that phone! But mine had a pink cord .... I think ....
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid there were still partylines. We had a private line because of my father's business. Then we got two private lines because I was using the one private line for my own private girl conversations. They did not have call holding/waiting in those days[that's what an answering service was for]. It was deemed neccesary as I kept getting caught sneeking onto the one privateline.There is much to be said for tenacity. These days and for many years I have not been a fan of the telephone. I will agree it is for the above stated reasons. We now have both cell and landlines. Matt reqires it for work. Cell service doesn't work up here and so his work cell is useless. I have the first cellphone I've ever had. I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. Mostly I put my grocery list on it. Why do I have it? Because Matt's phone contract came with two phones. I can use it for travel. Not a bad thing these days...but I'm still trying to get used to it.
ReplyDeleteI have a landline and a cell phone. I like landlines cuz I like to jam the phone between my shoulder and my chin and talk while I do other things. My cell phone is ancient by cell phone standards. I think I've had it for 8-10 years. It doesn't take pictures, it doesn't connect with the internet. It's pretty much just a phone. I don't text.
ReplyDeleteI know this is probably blaspheme to many, but I'd get rid of cell phones all together if it would keep people from doing the annoying things that they do when they're using their cell phones (like driving, biking, walking, not talking to the people who they're with...)
Wicked, you can probably get an earpiece for your cell phone, so you can talk while you do other things without getting a crick in your neck.
DeleteI've never eaten a daisy, but I frequently eat nasturtium and pineapple sage flowers.